
How To Clean A Gun After Shooting

How To Clean A Gun Properly

If you are passionate about shooting and are regularly involved in this hobby, you should know about a few basic steps to clean your gun.

This will surely help to enrich your shooting performance and experience, every time you use your gun.

Inspecting the gun properly and cleaning it regularly will give standard functioning every time with safe firing.

In other words, a clean and shiny gun ensures that you shoot with precision and extreme smoothness.

A clean and well-maintained gun also lowers the chance of any misfires or accidents that can prove to be fatal in numerous cases.

Due to the tiny detonation in the chamber whenever you pull the trigger, sediment and residue are left back inside the barrel, which makes it essential to clean your gun regularly so that you avoid any mishaps or dangerous breakdowns (we recommend great universal gun cleaning kits in this article) (we recommend great universal gun cleaning kits in this article).

The best way, to ensure that your gun or a shotgun is clean, is to maintain it by proper cleaning of the parts with the cleaning agents.

Steps To Follow while Cleaning Your Gun

How to clean a gun after shooting is an important concern. But its sad to reveal that not many people care to do it well.

To have good maintenance and cleaning of the gun, shotgun, semi-auto rifle, or a pistol, here are few systematic steps to follow:

1- Unload your gun and handle safely

Take it as an important task to unload the gun and double-check it to make sure that it is unloaded to pick and clean it. Keep in mind that your gun holds around that is ready to fire, though you have removed the magazine.

So, check the shotgun and remove the left out round. For safe handling, you should consider using a gun cleaning stand which makes your cleaning easier.

After opening the chamber, go through the barrel from every direction and make it sure that there is no round left inside.

Never take the risk of considering the gun, free from round, until you check the barrel.


2- Dismantle with care

While dismantling your gun, keep the parts on a flat surface and then clean all the parts with the best gun cleaning solvent, oil, and brush.

When taking each part apart, ensure to check for cracks or any other kinds of damages. You should take the gun to a certified gunsmith for repair if you find any signs of damage.

You will need to look up the owner's manual about the gun before you start to clean your shotgun. Check and ensure if there is any warning about dismantling as well as areas not to be cleaned.

Too much dismantling a gun can lead to failure and wrong firing. Bolt, chamber, and barrel are the only places that really need to be cleaned and should be considered most.

3- Get a standard cleaning kit

No matter whether you purchase a pre-assembled gun cleaning kit from your nearby sports store or assemble the required elements individually, the main thing to look after is to have all the best cleaning supplies in your weapon store.

The gun cleaning toolkit comes with the liquids, cleaning oils, brushes and other important instruments that aids in the cleaning process.

4- Clean out the gun barrel with patches and rods

Soak the bore using a cleaning rod, the right size cotton patches, and patch holder and try to work from the backside of the bore if you can.

To clean thoroughly, push a solvent soaked patch into the bore until it comes out of the other end. This way you can clean the junk deposited effectively.

Care that if you pull the patch back, it will redeposit the cleaned junk back. So avoid doing that.

5- Clean the barrel with a bore brush

Remove the patch holder and attach the bore brush to loosen the settled debris. Reattach the patch holder and move the solvent soaked swab all through the bore and remove it when it comes out from the front.

Lubricate the barrel with a few drops of gun conditioner added to cotton swab to run through the bore and leave behind a thin coating of gun oil in it.

Clean and grease the action parts as it helps to prevent the rust to form. Use only a small amount of the lubricant oil. Wipe down the gun with a flannel cloth and add shine to it.

6- Store properly after the cleanup

Lastly, choose a hard case or gun safe to store your shotgun safely until you need it again. This is essential to avoid any accidents that can happen with just simple ignorance of your in handling it.

As such these are few basic steps involved with the procedure of cleaning your hunting gun. You should follow them carefully so that you can maintain your gun well and good in the long term.

Should You Clean Your Gun After Every Shot?

Shooters often question the frequency of cleaning their guns, or whether they should clean their guns or semi-auto rifles after every shot they make?

The truth is, Yes.

It becomes essential for you to clean a gun after every firing and target practice as it takes lots of rounds sometimes to make a good aim.

It is, in fact, important that you regularly keep a check on the instrument so that any grease or dirt can be cleaned in the first place with ease.

Cleaning A New Gun before Shooting: Is It Important?

The importance of cleaning a gun is known to most of us who use them for shooting.

Maintaining a gun and cleaning it at times after long use or after shooting many targets, is the best way to increase its durability and condition.

Most gun owners follow the manufacturer's instructions and manuals. And it is good to have a general idea about its cleaning and maintenance so far.

Although cleaning your old gun is important, a lot of people have no idea about cleaning a new gun and what is its importance.

If it is your first hunting gun, then go through the parts, the barrel from where the action begins and the magazine which is always loaded to use and complete the target.

Watch the video to get more ideas about how and why you should clean your new gun before shooting.

Be sure to follow the steps of cleaning the parts so that you can enjoy great shots without inviting any mishap or accident.

How To Clean A Gun After Shooting


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